Genuinely sad
lolcow documentary channels and my thoughts
Real talk
Upgrade Time: Rancilio silvia pro x vs ??
Help picking espresso machine!!
Question about eligibility
New Espresso Machine help please!!
Hotel recommendations
Can the Rocket Espresso Apartmento handle a coffee cart?
Best coconut extract?
Where do you matcha drinkers buy your matcha in bulk / wholesale?
Don't trust this man, apparently lol
Just got Vivera Retainers two weeks ago and found out today I might need a crown replaced. Am I screwed?
Help please!!!
Dog walking
Coming back into an eating disorder and trying to fix it
Good banana syrup for latte?
Least we forget…
I have trouble with the yandere mods
Is carls dine out mod still working?
Unpopular opinion: I hate Millie
Anyone else disappointed in this season?