Amazing it is Life changing
In Japan, sumo wrestlers give their autograph to fans as a handprint, created with black or red ink. This centuries-old tradition is called a 'tegata'.
Over 3 months since this game has released, that's about a quarter of a year. What are your thoughts on how the game's going so far?
What happens if you get fired 1/3 of the way on a cruise ship?
She spoke truths all along, and people called her crazy and radical for it.
To release Tesla robotaxis every year for almost a decade by Elon Musk
Getting ready to take the biggest step
Sam Seder attempts to reason with a Trump supporter
I posted my preserved butterfly cookies here last week and people wanted to see the process - enjoy!
AIO at my girl friend for accusing me of cheating on her with sisters friend
Have you ever feel guilty after being toxic in Ranked/QuickMatch?
What character do you just not understand how to use?
Angular momentum in 2 directions?
For anyone asking... No, you can not land on spots previously landed on. it jumps them.
born to be a hater forced to love turrets
So proud of us 🇨🇦
Their better be a raise attached to this so called “error”
Anyone else disappointed by his moveset?
Get this woman in here!
Well that was easy. 3 clone matches and a few dailies, bing bang boom, new skin I'll never use!
Not using left click on Rocket should be considered throwing
Just a reminder: no support character can heal 654647 burst damage.
Found it!
Teach them how it’s done Alex. Mittens off.
President Trump is considering withdrawing 35,000 American troops from Germany. Trump is considering deploying them to Eastern Europe. Hungary is the focus — The Telegraph