Name your favorite album from your favorite band I’ll rank it
Someone made a fake instagram page with my solo project
Look at this stunning hand crafted mushroom themed chess set my gf made for me!
Favorite Nocturnal Depression song?
Es normal ser así de patético? 2
What makes a good dsbm album a GOOD dsbm album?
Ya que estamos en anonimato ¿Cómo te sientes hoy realmente?
Today marks the death of Ian "Lemmy" Fraser Kilmister. Rest in peace.
Neobliviscaris es la primera banda confirmada para el The Metal Fest II en Guadalajara, México en mayo del 2025
Which DSBM songs hit you the most and why?
Beautiful Box Set
My favorite word in Spanish is
Bf Opeth themed xmas gift, do you guys think he will like it?
Opeth - All Things Will Pass (featuring probably the most epic climax they've ever composed)
How much Mikael do you want to listen to today?
What is your favorite Anathema album?
I feel like Opeth is forgetting their ICV era.
Hope Leaves
¿De que celular se han enamorado sin tomar muy en cuenta sus especificaciones?
Which Metal bands would you suggest for fans of None?
Emperor of Sand: Why It’s a Spectacular Work
Favorite underrated thrash albums?
Looking for good official live albums. These my favorites from my library. I appreciate good sound engineering... at least I think I do.
How much did yall listen to Steven? Wish I listened more...
If you haven't listened already absolutely listen to Begotten