Squid Game Season 2 was actually good
Is this NPC sprite based on Ernest P. Worell?
I've seen this 3 times in a row now
I’m trying to get into Gorillaz where should i start?
New ATM 8 update crashing
Do you reckon this counts 🤔
What song is this?
Is this worth anything?
I’m yet to play Fallout 3. Is New Vegas that much better than it?
Anywhere to go and just relax on my laptop all day.
What is the Witcher
What is Fable
Eve is the headquarters of the klan?
Idea: The game needs a housing mechanic.
Activision's researchers reckon skill-based matchmaking is better for everyone
Challenge for yall critizize the game
Krew won on the third day. Day 4 - What character meant to be side character, ended being fan favorite?
What do you /don’t you want to see from a Halo CE Remake?
What would you call this country?
this is how im viewing the state of the US to feel better
All Mark VI armor in Infinite comparison
[TOMT][2000s] song with same chorus as Slightly Left of Center-Love the way you move
Whats going on in this mountain range in Russia/Mongolia?