Love this M18 Inflator!
Czp10c Trigger Bite
Anyone else get their Sandman X yet?
Chiefs or Eagle or...
Criticized the fuck out of me.
CGW trigger shoe worth it?
Finally got the Milwaukee Light Saber
Whole pork leg roast
Deep in enemy territory today (my anti gun family’s Christmas)
Not for the faint of heart. Will any electronic, or anything work after this treatment?
Guy buys a car for ¥20k (about $130)..but it has problems
First batch on the performer
What size sight height and width do I get from Dawson Precision for my CZ P07?
Reviews of this??
11.5” Friday or something.
My uncle gifted me his 1992 Omega for my 40th bday. Said I'd appreciate it. And man I do.
[Arnie] Which strap looks better? Original or waffle?
Redoing this sweet ass 70’s basement…what would you do?
Favorite Seiko by far [SPB381]
[Question] Which watch do you think I should get?
New EDC watch. Stays on M-F. I have my weekend warriors. Then back on Monday without setting time. [SPB383]
Joined the Armory
[SPB381] I really don’t think there’s a better looking watch out there for £1400.
Window Case Back
Think it’s finally done…
Got the mini toolbox