Drew this when I was feeling down... what do you feel from this?
Is this normal???pale garden so close to spawn???
Autism on your drivers license
count your micros and macros!
What music do you listen to?
Vardoc pagó 5 palos para que no lo funaran… ¿qué chucha escondía?
Para vosotros, conspiranoicos 💖
Do you guys ever get embarrassed when you have negative downvotes?
A almost perfectly round rock. Any ideas what it is?
I just...cbf rn
Why neurotypicals do that?
Why do people use autism as a insult so much? (Image unrelated)
My hatred of HR cannot be fully expressed or quantified
TIL: the ball in the stim cube can be removed and used like those old PC mouse balls
I'm so ready for aquilo
I keep getting bad grades because because I write like AI
Autistic parents on raising their autistic child
the feds be wildin
Guys one question for all of you:did some of you loved trains when yall were younger or still love or like it?(Random Train Image)
"Is the United States a socialist country?"