What's wrong with my shading.
show me your crazy curlys
Would a gf be good for my boy?
Do people who keep fish love their fish?
My C.cerastes pair
My jewelry game so exclusive.
I knew this day was coming soon.
White Copperhead!
This is embarrassing but.. I have no sex drive
Project Bike Troubleshooting
What did you name your T?
Rescued this good boy, what’s a good name?!
Extra Vegas Concert ticket
These don't get that big, right?
Show me the weird sleeping/resting positions of your beardies
P. Irminia
Heating and Lighting 300 Gallon
Need help with tire liners.
Found in Northern California need help I'd and tips on caring for it while I find out what to do
Is my enclosure overboard?
What are some names you guys came up with for your tarantulas?
Inner tube size difference