Early season ELO CHECK
Got a survey after a game for something that hasn't been released yet
People on here be like: Started playing 2 days ago, is this good?
what happened to this game in the last year?
Is this good for 544 hours played?
Brauche Rat/Tipps
Bots in Ranked?
I have no words …
Muss ich das einfach akzeptieren?
Just pulled this, let’s go!
Try it :)
About Queen Nai players…
I’ve just stumbled upon this sub and I’m curious …
The lowest elo possible
Nice lil 0-D
The 2 reasons i might quit
Varus 3 kinda sucks tbh?
Is this bad gameplay? (I’m Ragnir)
Please help a hardstuck gold lol
FYI: Cross Inv/Prog for PlayStation is not coming anytime soon. GG
Skill ceiling went up?
I tried that „free elo samira reroll“ - thingy.. went great!
Welches Zitat aus einem Videospiel verwendet ihr häufig oder denkt im Alltag oft daran?
After the newest mobile update, the endscreen is quite bugged
If someone asks how bad I actually am at TFT, I just show him this.