A tip for new anime watchers.
All pirated anime sites are dying?
Hey everyone just wanted to know about this....
Dragon Ball Eye Catchers from og db to GT.
This is beyond Relatable...
Who's your favorite side-characters from the farm in vinland saga s2?.
Fellow weebs suggest some underrated anime
anybody remember this show
My Top 15 Favorite movies
Can somebody share 3×3 for movies/series for a new to pop culture
This is what i watched in 2025 so far, and i already ran out of good movie, don't know what to watch, suggest me some 🙏🏻
Caughtup to 1000th episode of ONE PIECE
which movie should i watch first?
What are some of your best action scene you saw in superhero movies?.
Re:Zero is freaking amazing.
What are your 10/10 films? (not necessarily from this list)
I haven't seen a single minute of JoJo...Ask me anything and i'll pretend to know.
The "Big 3" of Romance Movies
What's your favourite anime moment? (Just one)
This scene...🥺🤌🏻
Who was your life first ever Fictional crush, (these three were mine)
Has Anyone Watched This Materpiece?
What are ur confront characters in Indian cinema ?
Which Disney movies impacted you the most.
3x3 of my favourite male characters in anime