How long after dating did you move in with your partner?
Is this a red flag? Should i cancel this rude buyer?
I just started swimming again
Nervous about sending (no personal info)
So much house for the money . I wonder how much it would cost to bring it to livable standard. I'm mildly in love with it
I can’t handle my puppy anymore. What should I do?
Bumping items
Desperately looking for a banging Les Mills track used in Body Pump - lyrics are something like “get on your knees when I walk on water.”
Finding new friends over 40
Wedding shoes
Finally cutting people out.
Which of the two newly introduced events do you enjoy watching more?
Decided to take control
Abusive ex refused to move out so I did it for her in the most inconvenient way possible
My life feels like it’s crumbling around me
What do we think of the name Luna?
M24 I know I’m very ugly or at best average but I’m just pretty depressed and could use some nice words
What song do you remember your parents playing that you loved?
What are some astonishing yet simple facts that would delight a 4-year-old daughter’s nightly request for a bedtime fact?
M29. After the hardest year of my life, my partner of 9 years and wife of 1.5 walked out on me saying shes not sure if she ever loved me. Just looking for a little hope
these men are making people feel unsafe on vinted
I have a LOT of jewellery to sell
If it is Grade C-Listed, then it can't be demolished, right? Then this place needs someone with DEEP pockets... It's falling apart. :(
I could use some kindness today
Am I too ugly to get a girl m 24 I get told I’m ugly af and I don’t like my looks