Who wakes up earlier, men or women?
Are you still sleeping in the same bed with your partner?
Do you really start feeling less relevant and overlooked when you get older? Do you have to let it go?
How do you keep up with the times? Do you or not?
What's a fashion trend that was huge when you were younger but looks strange now?
Did your family iron bed sheets?
What was the 2008 recession like?
Straight men need to find gay men they can trust as friends...
Didn’t think that it would end like this
My parents are threatening to never approve or accept my boyfriend into our family if we move forward with living together after 1 year. I'm curious to hear your perspective as someone over 60!
45, mid-life crisis, quit my corporate job, hate my new one — now what?
With all the phone scams going on, have you set up a ‘code word’ with your family in the case someone calls and needs money?
Did you regret living far away from your aging parents?
What's one thing...
Is it okay to not want to party or drink alcohol?
Why don’t modern fraternal orders exist that genuinely appeal to Millennials and Gen Z?
36F and 39M long term relationship help.
The DMV really isn’t that bad
"just learn a trade" is not an adequate, sustainable or reality based solution to job insecurity
The idea that a college degree is worthless is ridiculous and insulting
I can’t think of a better way to make liberals feel bad about themselves. Maybe start with better public transport?
This mornings failure, blocked by clouds
Tim Walz to launch national tour of town halls in Republican House districts
Anyone still married to their first love?
They're going to sacrifice our elderly to keep the economy going.